There are 13 bus routes in Narva. Buses depart from 6 a.m. to 11 p.m. about twice an hour.
Information about routes and timetables is available on and on the bus stations.
Journey planner:
Buy ticket:
- From the bus driver
- by an electronic bus card. Narva bus card (Atko) is in cross-usage with Tallinn and Tartu Public Transport cards and Ridango, GoBus cards. Public transport card can be bought from the Post office, R-Kiosk convenience stores, supermarkets Prisma and Selver (in Astri shopping mall). Money can be loaded to the card in sales points or on the website
Prices and concessions
Bought from the bus driver:
- 1,00€ on the city routes
Bought by electronic bus card:
- one-time ticket: 0,70€
- one-day ticket 1,50€
- 10-day ticket 8,00€
- 20-day ticket 15,00€
- 30-day ticket 20,00€
Passengers with the right of free travel:
- pupils (from September 1 to June 20)
- 66 y.o. and older people
- individuals with a profound disability
- Chernobyl disaster liquidators
Information about bus lines and tickets in Narva 611 8000